Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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Love Lyrics of a Cowboy
My reason nearly lost its grip.
She called me "dear," jes sweet an' slow,
An' lookin' down an' speakin' low;
An' if I had ten lives to live,
With everything the world could give,
I'd shake 'em all without one fear
If 'fore I'd go she'd call me " dear."
You wonders why I slicks up so
On Sundays, when I gits to go
To see her — well, I'm free to say
She's like religion that-a-way.
Jes sort o' like some holy thing,
As clean as young grass in the spring;
An' so before I rides to her
I looks my best from hat to spur —
But even then I hain't no right
To think I look good in her sight.
If she should pass me up — say, boy,
You jes put hobbles on your joy;
First thing you know, you gits so gay
Your luck stampedes and gits away.
An' don't you even start a guess
That you've a cinch on happiness;
Fer few e'er reach the Promised Land
If they starts headed by a band.
Ride slow an' quiet, humble, too,
Or Fate will slap its brand on you.
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